Oshkosh – a pilgrimage

Kim and I flew to Oshkosh. Our airplane was loaded to the gill with the rear seat mostly hidden by camping and other baggage which we likely could have gotten along without nicely. What do they say? “Take half the luggage and take twice the money”.

Ha – I found a listing of our expenses:Was probably more than that.

AMEX 27-Jul 50.9 Enterprise Car Rental 50.9
AOPA 22-Jul 67.98 Frankfort Gas Gas
AOPA 22-Jul 84.64 Augusta Aviation Gas
AOPA 27-Jul 79.76 Fleming Field Gas
AOPA 28-Jul 62.56 Hartland Daven IA Gas
AOPA 29-Jul 58.42 Gas at Midcoast, Ill Gas
AOPA 30-Jul 101.92 Cross City Gas 455.28
Check 22-Jul 60 EAA Lodge Camping
ATM 29-Jul 50 Cash Primary Lodge Hotel
AMEX 27-Jul 72.79 Microtel Lodge Hotel 182.79
ATM 22-Jul 200 Cash Secondary Misc Misc
AMEX 29-Jul 19.96 Skeeters Misc Food
AOPA 24-Jul 37.38 Backpack and carrier Misc Backpack
AMEX 24-Jul 22.11 Walmart stuff Misc Food
AOPA 25-Jul 160.65 LC Flight Shop Misc Flight bag
Check 21-Jul 59.27 Kmart Misc camping stuff
AOPA 25-Jul 31.48 EAA Misc shirts
Cash 25-Jul 10.45 EAA Misc Video 614.09
AOPA 21-Jul 365.52 Consumer Center Z Repair 365.52
Vacation 1303.06
Repair 365.52

Ahem – notice the “Skeeters”. Never did quite grow up 🙂 Wow, $19.96 for skeeters??

Discovery Wings got wind that we were going so asked us to if they could mount some cameras in the airplane to shoot a short piece.

Hey, who are we to argue? We are The Canaries Freedom.


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