Happy Birthday, Dad
How can any of us begin to show the proper appreciation for our parents.
I absolutely know that not everyone is as lucky as I’ve been; blessed with two of the most wonderful parents a person could have. One has passed – and I plan a tender tribute to her in the pages of this blog – in due time.
The other, my father, lives on; and is so full of life that I can scarcely believe that he is actually turning 80 years of age this month.
There are few that I know with his innate optimism; his desire to live – and I don’t mean only be alive. I mean live; pursue; attack; change; grow; save; spend – you name it.
My purpose here is not to describe, fully, this man; but to simply wish him a happy birthday.
And I make a firm invitation:
“You are hereby invited to attend your 90th birthday bash. RSVP in 9 years and 11 months. I’ll relay to you , one month prior, my current phone number (or whatever contrivance we use for phones in that day) for your confirmation. —- It’ll be a blast.”
Have a wonderful 80th, Dad. And have fun in life till till we have that 90th birthday bash.
Enjoy the short video/animation I did for Dad.
Update: We lost my father in 2016. He made it to the age of 88.